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Thursday, Nov. 27, 2003 - 12:16 am

Well, as you can all see, I haven't put any more pictures up yet. Truth be told, I probably won't be able to at all. Right now, in my current jobless state, I cannot afford to keep up the "gold membership" that allows me to post pictures. Sorry guys.

Ah well...

I knew I wouldn't be keeping this thing up forever. I really just wanted something I could use to let you guys know what I was doing in Japan (and just to let you know that I was still alive). ; )

I may keep up the free part and just post random essays, etc. I've taken a fancy to non-fiction writing as of late and who knows? Some of it may wind up here. In any case, I'll post a "goodnight, sweet webdiary" post before the final curtain. Dig?

Oh, a word of advice to those I hold dear:

If you watch reality television (or, hell, just a lot of television), please, for the love of your brain, turn it off. Reality television is a cancer on our society. Reality television (and most sit-coms) require such a limited vocabulary and so little critical thought that the only thing it fosters is mental regression.

I gave up television before I went to Japan. I found myself thinking things like, "I can't go out and do that right now. 'While You Were Out' is on." I realized that the time that I had television in my life was one of the most unproductive times in my life.

I am currently jobless and relatively poor, so I do find myself in front of the television at times. What I see is appalling. Out of the myriad of programs and channels available, I find the only things worth watching are PBS, C-SPAN, and The Daily Show.

Do yourself a favor. Try something else. Read a book. Write a book. Leave the house. Make something. Create.

I leave you now with the lyrics of an excellent song by the Red Hot Chili Peppers called "Throw Away Your Television".

Throw away your television

Time to make this clean decision

Master waits for it�s collision now

It�s a repeat of a story told

It�s a repeat and it�s getting old

Throw away your television

Make a great big intermission

Recreate your super vision now

It�s a repeat of a story told

It�s a repeat and it�s getting old


Renegades with fancy gauges

Slay the plague for it�s contagious

Pull the plug and take the stages

Throw away your television now

Throw away your television

Take the noose off your ambition

Reinvent your intuition now

It�s a repeat of a story told

It�s a repeat and it�s getting old


Throw away your television

Salivate to repetition

'Leviate this ill condition now

It�s a repeat

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